Elephant in the room

T is visiting this blog after a long time and to talk about something which might have always been there but T never realized it nor talked about it. But here we are talking about the elephant in the room so to speak.

T confided in us that on more days than not she has terrible mood swings and bouts of depression. She thinks it is General Anxiety Disorder . For now she is not convinced enough to go to a doctor for treatment. But if it does get serious, she will make the appointment.

Why would a 31 something software engineer and a new mother have any kind of anxiety , you ask ? Precisely that. Life keeps moving at a pace which is unpredictable. The toll of day to day life where you battle your wits in a competitive tech industry to keep up and possibly stay 2 steps ahead whilst precariously balancing your demeanor to be the best caregiver for a energetic 2 year old post work, are reasons enough. To add to that, as an individual T is blessed with extra hyper thought process where everything happening must be pondered upon multiple times.

Everyone seems to be coping with this state of mind differently. Letting go of things (temporarily or permanently) that bother you is something common to everyone’s coping strategy. Things holding T together during this time is seeking out company of others, persevering at work and of course loving a little more during the times she wants to give away her first born.

Depression is a real thing. Please do yourself and those who love you a favor by seeking help for it.